One year later I am more fit and functional than ever before because of posture therapy. I am running and cycling without pain. I have never felt better and my strength and conditioning continues to improve. Posture therapy is the best!
Posture therapy has been instrumental in my life and in my football career. Without it, I never would have been able to recover from my injuries or to perform at my highest level. The team at Pain Free Posture Therapy have given me the tools to enable me to live a pain-free life.
My default alignment before posture therapy meant that I was constantly injuring myself just as I was getting into exercising regularly. I thought that was just how my body was and would always be. My goal when I came to Pain Free Posture was just to get out of pain. After a few months of posture exercises, my body fundamentally changed and my experience of movement with it. I gained an understanding of what support my body needs, and confidence that the method would make a difference. I learned how to make intelligent choices when I previously believed I needed to push through or ignore the signals my body was sending.
Tennis, running, hiking, golf, aerobics, and other activities were becoming painful. My goal was to keep myself healthy, flexible, and strong to continue athletic endeavors and play with our grandchildren. After my posture therapy sessions, I learned that pain can go away without the use of medications. After my doctor told me to stop running and just walk because of the pain, I discovered by accident (thanks to my grandson) that I could run again pain free after four visits in a month . Now, I am back to jogging 3 times a week with interval running.
Dekoda has played professional football now for 10 years. He understands the importance of longevity and athletic recovery. Through his posture therapy journey, Dekoda is able to increase his performance because of faster recovery times. Now he can play with a more functional framework, for best results.
In August of 2013, I embarked on my life-enriching experience with posture therapy. At the age of sixty-two, I had recently suffered debilitating lower back pain as a result of a lifetime of working and playing. After an orthopedist prescribed surgery, I scheduled an appointment with Pain Free Posture Therapy. My wife joined in also, to provide moral support for me and for healing her body after a lifelong career as a dental hygienist. After one year, I was essentially pain free. After four years, we both look forward to our exercises on a mostly-daily basis. We are so thankful for Pain Free Posture Therapy!
I'm so very grateful for Pain Free Posture Therapy. I'd had over half a year of chronic pain under my shoulder blade that I could not shake. I tried so many things - ice, heat, massage, yoga, acupuncture. Nothing would help. After a handful of posture therapy sessions and sticking to the menus that were personally created to address my specific issue, the pain has gone away without return. To the point where I can't remember which shoulder blade had the pain. Thank you so much, Pain Free Posture Therapy!
I experienced severe shoulder pain and after x-rays and MRIs the doctors found no cartilage in my right shoulder. The doctors also said my left shoulder will go in time. I like to work, help people, and I was having excruciating pain. My friends reminded me about posture therapy and told me I needed to go. The therapists at the Pain Free Posture clinic helped me within the 1st session. Within a few exercises my pain stopped. I still do the exercises everyday however I am not currently on anything else and I am able to work. Posture therapy made me more functional
I’ve had the hip injury that Pain Free Posture is helping to heal for about 10 years, and I really appreciate that posture therapy looks at other areas in my body that could be affecting my hip. Within a week, my limping was gone and I could sleep at night. I started to get better right away.
I’ve had the hip injury that Pain Free Posture is helping to heal for about 10 years, and I really appreciate that posture therapy looks at other areas in my body that could be affecting my hip. Within a week, my limping was gone and I could sleep at night. I started to get better right away.
Kathy came to Pain Free Posture with thoracic back troubles as well as painful heel spurs and nerve symptoms. We were able to work together and get Kathy out of pain for good! “After 45 years of pain, making posture therapy a lifelong practice just makes sense and it’s what works best for me.
My life is very different than it was a year ago at this time. I am in a different home, in a different town, in a different state. I am sleeping at night. I am respected, encouraged, and nurtured. My health is extremely better. No more headaches and more importantly, no neck surgery. Today I hit my goal weight. I feel better, am stronger, and smaller now… I will soon be certified as a Posture Alignment Specialist. Amazing when you take the first step where that one little step will take you and what steps follow
I could not have hoped for more success than I have had with my postural therapy exercises. Pain Free Posture has enabled me to do more than any other treatment discipline I tried. I’m in my 8th decade of life & am now able to enjoy the mountains with my husband as well as snowshoeing & bicycling. I couldn’t have had all this pleasure without Pain Free Posture without the guidance from my therapists. I recommend you give posture therapy a try- it worked for me!
Lisa came in to Pain Free Posture with chronic foot pain. After the first session, she left without foot pain (which she had for years). “I used to dance and have to take Advil, but now I dance pain free!” Now Lisa can even walk barefoot without pain and hasn’t had pain since she started posture therapy.
“Pain Free Postural Therapy has changed my entire philosophy towards pain and has given me power to control my pain without injections and pain killers. My go-to exercises allow me immediate relief & progress with my body. I now have my pain free life back.”
“Since 2004, I’ve been in excruciating pain for multiple injuries. I went through traditional medicine taking muscle relaxers, pain meds, and also tried homeopathic medicine. Then I realized I need to surrender to just being in pain for the rest of my life. There were times I couldn’t even get out of bed using every ounce of will I had. But since I’ve come to Pain Free Posture Therapy my pain has decreased at least 75% and I am confident I will get to 100% as long as I continue with my exercises.”
“I’ve been practicing posture therapy for 2 1/2 years now and feel more incredible than any doctor said I could! It makes me sad to watch a society live in so much pain without even realizing it! I used to be one of them. Please keep fighting back against common misconception that we are bound to break down. We’re not fragile creatures!”
“Back in 2015, I was suffering from severe nerve pain in my low back down to my foot. I was unable to work, play or sleep. I worried I would need to sell my dental practice, and I could never be the kind of wife, mom, or friend I wanted to be. The pain was taking over, I was becoming depressed and frustrated. In fact, my personality was gone! After four months of daily exercises, my pain significantly diminished. I am no longer held hostage by my back, and I am back to being comfortable with a greatly improved posture. Thank you to Pain Free Posture Therapy for returning my personality.”
“Seven years of chronic Achilles pain, totally gone within a month and staying gone after seven months of daily following personalized and continually evolving posture therapy exercises. We traveled extensively in South America and stayed pain free despite all the rigors of travel. My overall physical health is thriving at new peak levels beyond anything I've ever enjoyed.”
I was diagnosed with stenosis and a couple of herniated discs and was in
excruciating pain when my doctor told me to read Pain Free. To say I was
skeptical is an understatement. How could these passive exercises possibly help
me? I tried some of the exercises on my own right out of the book, I achieved a
little relief so I decided to take the plunge at the Pain Free Posture Therapy
working with Anu. I was still skeptical at first but eventually became a true
believer and posture therapy evangelist! This stuff really is effective! My pain
gradually decreased and I could resume regular and even strenuous activities.
Am I 100% pain free? No. But I can say that it's about 95%. The final vindication
came when I experienced a second round of disc pain (I'm convinced it's
because I backed off my regular posture therapy routine) and went to see a
neuro surgeon for an opinion as to whether or not surgery would be warranted.
He said that if he just looked at the MRI, then yes, I should go under the knife.
But, after evaluating how I moved and functioned, he said that no surgery was
necessary. Call 911 ! A surgeon who does not recommend surgery? Thanks Pain
Free Posture Therapy!
"If I hadn't found posture therapy I have no doubt that I would have undergone
multiple surgeries by now! I played every team sport as a kid and suffered
multiple broken bones, sprains and chronic pain issues. Posture therapy has
helped me stay out of the chronic low back pain due to a spondylolisthesis that
plagued me in my early twenties and I recently healed from a torn Labrum in
my hip within a year with no drugs or surgery needed.
"When I first started with Pain Free Posture Therapy, I was suffering severe peripheral neuropathy down both legs and into my feet. The burning became unbearable and I felt as though it was taking my life away from me. Now that I have worked to restore the function in my entire body, I have better control of the nerve sensations and pain. The issue is not totally gone but I am experiencing more good days as I continue to work on my body. The support and encouragement I have received from the therapists are what have kept me going. I recommend that you try posture therapy."
"As a professional offensive lineman for the 49ers, Broncos and Falcons, Ben takes quite a beating for a living. Recovery is a key piece to Ben’s success. Through postural therapy he is now able to have quicker recovery times with less pain, and he can get back to doing what he loves faster! "
"What really makes Pain Free Posture Therapy different from anything else is first of all... immediate
results. One week I went from having chronic back pain to being pain free!"
“After trying different methods for relief, a friend loaned me a book about the Pain Free book and the rest is history!! In a world that continually tells me that the only answer to injury and the pain it causes is pain meds/and or surgery, posture therapy is a breath of fresh air. I am a walking, talking testament to the fact that perseverance, the correct exercises and the right definition of pain – these are what lead to the ‘road to recovery’!
"When I started with Pain Free Posture Therapy I was experiencing pretty severe
pain in my left knee. By analyzing my posture and gait, my therapist has given
me exercises to align my hips under the rest of my body. This realignment has
helped tremendously to relieve the pain I've been experiencing in my knee. I'm
excited now to be able to walk my dog twice a day and be pain free. "
"I had been living with pain until I saw that Pain Free Posture Therapy was helping people online! I got relief my first session.
My therapist was able to watch and guide me through each of several exercises that are empowering me to take control of my pain. If any of you are dealing with pain issues I highly recommend contacting Pain Free Posture, especially given the beauty of offering distance sessions. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. No need to live in pain."
"Posture therapy has brought me back to communicating and listening to my body. It has a lot to teach me! Who knew I had so much wisdom. Posture therapy has trained me to listen and respond to my body"
“Posture therapy has changed our lives! Our bodies can be pain free, stronger and more aligned. It is incredible to see and feel the difference and to motivate each other to do our menus!”
-Kathy And Jennifer
"I must express my appreciation for the excellent work that my therapist offers. If I could turn back the clock 25 years to have been a posture therapy disciple,then I'm sure that many of my knee and back issues would have been avoided ... consistency, time, and trust in your coach are required to see the results. The technology that we use today allowing remote coaching is fantastic. My therapist has a great eye for isolating movements for refining my execution."
"Going from four weeks of laying in bed and not being able to move or walk, and only using a walker if I wasn't in bed ... To now being able to bend over and pick things up! I can now take my wife out to dinner with ease! Next goal: Becoming a Denver Broncos linebacker!"
" After one year I am more fit and functional than ever because of posture therapy. I am running and cyclng without pain. I have never felt better and my strength and conditioning continues to improve. Pain Free Posture Therapy is the best!"
Nothing was working, exercise and yoga resulted in more pain... After starting my sessions with the Pain Free Posture team my optimism and hope grew week after week. My pain diminished, I felt stronger and I was able to return to running...words cannot express how grateful I am for the staff. Posture therapy works. It is not a quick fix, but for those willing to commit the time and energy, an active, pain free life is achievable.
A couple of months ago, Lincoln made a goal to climb Mt.Sanitas here in Boulder. On Wednesday, we witnessed him accomplishing THAT dream. Lincoln, it was an honor to be in your presence as you mastered Mt.Sanitas! All that hard work you put into your exercises has absolutely paid off!! Congratulations, Lincoln- you inspire us!
"Thanks to all of you for your help, I feel like I'm making so much progress. Posture therapy has been awesome!"
"Posture therapy has been a game-changer. It helped me deal with a flair up of a 20 year old injury from my time in the Army. I feel like I have the
tools to prevent my back from going out down the road. And if I fall off the wagon, I know exactly what I need to do to get back into alignment and back on track. I have tried everything: chiropractic, massage, bio-feedback, physical therapy, yoga. Posture therapy is the first tool that I have used that doesn't ask me to come back perpetually, but has taught me to take better care of myself. There is a lot of freedom in knowing that I have the tools to prevent and deal with any future flare-ups! Posture therapy saved my life!''
"While I was active and fit, my body was chronically achy-mostly lower back discomfort. I would go to the chiropractor and find relief for bout 2 days, and then the aches would come back. I came to Pain Free Posture Therapy in 2013 and havebeen a regular client since. I like the results of my work so much
that I proceeded to get my PAS 2 certification and now I work with clients in Wyoming. I have seen many trends ans techniques come and go in the fitness world. Posture Therapy works because it is based on a fundamental truth: we feel better when we are turly functional."
"Not only have things calmed down with the nerve related issues in my left arm, I also have noticed a marked improvement in flexibility. Each exercises
routine is helping my body to integrate these new changes of the last 4 months. "
“In 2013, my husband was overcome with severe back pain. Doctors recommended surgery but a friend gave him Pete Egoscue’s book, “Pain Free,”
he read it and was very interested. With my research I found Pain Free Posture Therapy and suggested we call for an appointment. Even though I was in no pain I have had back and neck issues for many years due to a 30 year career as a dental hygienist. We both got evaluated and noticed how poor our posture was. Dennis completed his evaluation and was given his exercise menu. I didn’t get a menu but scheduled for a later date. I did Dennis’ menu with him for the next 6 weeks. At our second visit, I had more photos taken
and just from doing Dennis’ menu I had improvement. I was sold on this therapy. If I find myself in pain, I now have menus to choose from. When I have an issue as I did recently with knee pain, Anu gave me a new menu that helped resolve it.
“I had herniated both L4 & L5 in my spine and also had a rotator cuff tear on my shoulder. At the time, my acupuncturist had told me devastating news that I would never be able to go hiking or be active
again. Luckily, a few weeks later, I found Pain Free Posture. As I started doing various exercises, the pain gradually diminished and I was able to walk with ease and mobility. I learned so much from my therapists and the whole experience of healing through various exercises has been so educational. I am now hiking everyday, am extremely active and am no longer in any pain. Posture Therapy saved my life!”
“I feel great, better than I ever have before ... when I get out of bed in the morning, everything is working, and I’ve been faster on my bike! I’m hooked on posture therapy
and I’m looking forward to future
performance increases as I continue doing the exercises!"
“After my posture therapy session a lot of the pain went away, I am able to walk with out limping, and I am able to stand for a long period of time without my hip hurting....My pain started as a 7, and is down to 2 or a 1”
“Pain Free Posture holds such reverence, joy and hope for the human body. They treat each person individually and empower that person to dramatically alter their physical experience. Bodies once hunched by the years, seem to defy gravity and walk erect. Back, hips and knees no longer have to endure chronic pain. They recognize and honor the correction of the body with its various component parts and provide a low-stress, low impact way for the body to heal itself.”
-Matte & Heather
I feel better than ever! I am thrilled to be pain free without the need for surgery thanks to the Pain Free Posture Therapy. Ten weeks after meeting with the Pain Free Team, I am 99% pain free!
“When I started with Pain Free Posture six months ago, my neck and upper back were in constant pain. I was very limited by the activities I could do and even the smallest activity, like playing with my kids would set my neck off which would lead to a killer headache. I'm very, very happy to say that six months later, I'm almost completely pain-free and my neck, back, and entire body feels better than it has since I can remember. The entire crew has been nothing short of amazing and working with professionals that are so positive and encouraging is a major reason I'm recovering so quickly. I'm excited to reach my next goals and will be an postural therapy disciple for life.”
Being a head coach for multiple professional football teams over the years is extremely demanding on the body. Since retiring his coaching career, Mike came to posture therapy looking for relief in his upper back. Through his daily practice of the exercises, he was able to alleviate his upper back tightness and restore proper function to his body! He is now able to move without pain or stiffness!
Being a head coach for multiple professional football teams over the years is extremely demanding on the body. Since retiring his coaching career, Mike came to posture therapy looking for relief in his upper back. Through his daily practice of the exercises, he was able to alleviate his upper back tightness and restore proper function to his body! He is now able to move without pain or stiffness!
My dad and I both have scoliosis and we've been doing posture therapy for over 4 years. Pain Free Posture has been extremely helpful in relieving the pain associated with our conditions. I have multiple exercises that my therapist has taught me that I can use anytime, anywhere to help relieve pain. The exercises are easy and require minimal equipment, so they are accessible to me even when on vacation.
-Morton & Brenda
“Coming up on 4 years ago, I injured my back. I missed 7 weeks of work, was in agony, did all the doctors recommended, nothing helped or got me going again. I did research, desperate for help. I found posture therapy. Made an appointment, and was barely able to walk in. Met Anu and the rest is history. It worked, saved me from surgery, and got me going again. Today, my back is better than before I was injured. I learned a lot about myself through this process! Anu and his staff are great at what they do...they are even better at loving you, tantrums and all! No excuses...get the book and do it or get the therapy and do it or do both! You won't regret it.” The fear of injury is gone and I’m back on my bike, back to helping people move, back to living!
"Before Pain Free Posture Therapy, my perspective on health and wellness was very focused on strength gains. This lead me down a path of limited functionality and range of motion, and would many times lead to injury. Since discovering posture therapy, I've never felt better. My weight lifting regimen has only improved because I'm working with a more functional frame. No more mysterious popping and clicking of certain joints while exercising, no more limitations caused by weight training and best of all no more injury!"
“I came into Posture Therapy 8 or 9 out of 10 back pain following years of using my back dysfunctionally. Scoliosis, back braces, Taekwondo, marathons, triathalons, a herniated disk (L5-S1), back surgery and spinal arthritis all by age 35. All of these are labels that may help people understand where I am coming from,but they don't define the person you've helped me become. You have helped me take baby steps, crawl, then bear crawl my way to a level of pain relief that allows me to no longer abandon my body. I can now pay attention and get more information to know what works for me. I have learned to love this body I am in again and not feel trapped by it. My goal is skiing and dancing handstands, but I will take a level 0-3 out of 10 pain...for now. It is funny how for impatient people like myself, slow change goes almost unnoticed and unappreciated. I am grateful for you, Anu, your patience, kindness, humor and this work that you do.”
“During these many months, I have grown to trust and depend on staff at Pain Free Posture...the therapists here have extensive knowledge of the exercises that are needed to help me and my particular set of issues... I became convinced that posture therapy was going to be good for me when a therapist there literally cured my knee pain in the second week of my treatment.
-Randy & Naomi
Rose is currently Ranked #1 in the Female Spartan Race point series and a two-time American Ninja Warrior finalist. She uses postural therapy to stay a well balanced functional athlete.
“I had some lower back pain from a strain months ago, every time I was taken through the exercises I felt taller and more even....My pain was gone after just one of the exercises!”
"I am 90 years old and have battled with Osteopenia, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, and Sciatica amongst others-for years. After working with Pain Free Posture Therapy, I got my life back! I am doing my exercises regularly and no longer have to use my cane as often as before I started the program. I am living on my own, driving on my own, and feel like I have an independent life again thanks to posture therapy. This program is worth the discipline. I recovered my life back!"
I am 62 years old. I have been on narcotic painkillers for over 15 years due to a failed back surgery. I was in pain every day andconstant physical therapy to just allow me to function. My activities were limited. When it became difficult to lift and play with my grandchildren. A friend recommended Pain Free Posture Therapy. I felt relief almost immediately. I am no longer on any pain medication, not even Advil! I can lift and run with my grandkids, even play baseball with the family. I am back skiing this winter for the first time in 20 year ! I am so thankful for the Pain Free Posture team and the exercises they gave me."
“Back in 2015, I was suffering from severe sciatic nerve pain in my low back down to my foot. I was unable to work, play or sleep. I worried I would need to sell my dental practice, and I could never be the kind of wife, mom, or friend I wanted to be. The pain was taking over, I was becoming depressed and frustrated. In fact, my personality was gone! After four months of daily exercises, my pain significantly diminished. I am no longer held hostage by my back, and I am back to being comfortable with a greatly improved posture. Thank you to Pain Free Posture therapy for returning my personality.”
Thanks to Pain Free Posture, Shelley has had remarkable success at controlling her neck and hip symptoms now for years. But as important, she has reclaimed her identity. She has been able to pursue has life long love of art and mosaics thanks to the greater function of lack of pain.
"Without a doubt, my daily posture exercises played the primary role in relieving my sciatic pain and healing my herniated disc at L5-S1. Once I started, I never missed a single morning of my posture exercises and gradually earned the status of "pain free" in 4 months. In an effort to be 100% transparent, I must also explain that I simultaneously utilized acupuncture, private rehab Pilates, and made dramatic lifestyle modifications such as omitting high-heeled shoes entirely. I love what Pain Free Posture Therapy gives me - the power to move pain free and heal my body. I listen to my body now and continue to learn exercises to correct my alignment and dysfunctions. I will forever be grateful that Pain Free Posture was introduced to me. Maybe one day I will become a certified postural therapist to help more people heal themselves."
As a young child, I had an accident that left a deep misalignment...Yoga, massage, Pilates, craniosacral and others all helped a bit but nothing provided relief for more than a few days or a week...Working with the Pain Free team has been amazing... Some of the new menus are difficult and uncomfortable initially, but each time I work with a menu I improve more of my functional level. I now have a dozen different menus and we come to Boulder regularly to continue our work. The therapists are patient and insightful and I have happily stopped searching for another therapy. Posture therapy works!
“I initially came into Pain Free Posture to rehab a torn meniscus and have learned so much working with Anu and the team over the past few years. I had no idea how much my hip and shoulder alignment could impact stress on one of my knees. Understanding this interplay and why Anu was selecting certain exercises for me has made me much more in-tune with how my body feels on a day-to-day basis, and I pay much more attention to my posture and balance as a result. Thanks, guys...I look forward to our continued work together!”
“When I first came in I had compensation pain from a serious bike accident. My body was super crooked despite many hours of physical therapy, yoga, and work in the gym. With Pain Free Posture I have learned how to move my body so that it is pain free, flexible, and strong. My body continues to heal and feel better. I now have much more confidence in my body. ”
“When your back goes out – those type of things don’t happen anymore. So I can tell that my body is in much better shape overall then before the therapy.” Taylor avoided back surgery because of Pain Free Posture. He has been active for years now and continues to enjoy world travel with his family.
“After years of struggling with a weak back and low back pain on and off, I came across posture therapy through my Yoga teacher. It was after months of suffering intense chronic sciatica that I decided, to call the clinic in Boulder. To be held by professionals that understood chronic pain was a relief straight away. Then following weekly menus, my body, slowly, starting gaining strength and mobility.
In a month my energy levels raised and I could walk longer distances. In two months following the menus my pain was reduced 80%. At this point I continue making progress and going backwards sometimes too, I'm understanding my body better and I know that getting out of pain requires commitment and trust... and it's worth it!”
"I used to to have a history of back spasms that were a result from a dysfunctional left hip and overworked spinal erectors. Any long bouts of physical activity bothered my back to the point that I needed to stop, as I felt my muscles almost feel like they just "gave up" and stopped working. If I pushed too hard, my back would go into spasm. There were days I could not stand up straight due to the pain. After incorporating posture exercises into my daily life, my back is as free as it has ever been. I honestly feel like I have turned back the hands of time. I am able to participate in the activities I enjoy without having the fear of my back flaring up. I am a walking example that the method works! I couldn't be more grateful that I have found this work and that I can help other people who are in chronic pain feel relief and what it is to be pain free!"
“I came to Pain Free Posture because of the debilitating knee pain that I was experiencing. I had tried a number of other things, and had really minimal success. "Postural therapy approach made sense to me, and I almost immediately saw results!”
“Thanks to Pain Free Posture Therapy, I do not have the overall body pain that I used to have. Also, I no longer suffer with Fibromyalgia symptoms nor do I identify with that diagnosis anymore!”
"I have been doing posture therapy for over 10 years, yet I learn something new in every session. I like that Pain Free Posture Therapy incorporates so many exercise basics - postural integration, strength training, aerobic, stretching, etc. I am inspired by my therapist's positive attitude, expertise and support. And his big beautiful smile. Thank you."
“Having suffered from chronic hip pain for a decade, despite my 40-year long yoga practice, If it weren't for the addition of posture therapy to my life, I would have never been able to join my family on a 4 day, 27 mile backpacking trip this past summer” I have found posture therapy to be the most effective method of pain relief.”
Pain is not something to be feared; it is something to be understood. The only product that's worth investing in is a fully functional musculoskeletal system. It's no luxury but rather a basic necessity that's within everyone's reach.”