Our posture therapy certification courses prepare your life-long journey in personal wellbeing, healthfulness, and service to others.
We have been certifying and training posture therapists for over 12 years. Our curriculum prioritizes hands on experiences and includes online coursework, in-person seminars and Zoom classes.
The Fundamentals of Posture Therapy Program teaches you the tools, terms and concepts necessary for a solid foundation in posture therapy. The centerpiece of fundamentals is learning to identify postural deviations and utilize functional testing. Also included in the classes:gait analysis, exercise selection and routine building.
In our intermediate certification courses, you learn to apply the fundamentals of posture therapy and begin to engage in deeper study of the roots of chronic pain and posture. We study anatomy, physiology and explore how to build the most effective menu for each of your individual clients.
Pain is not something to be feared; it is something to be understood. The only product that's worth investing in is a fully functional musculoskeletal system. It's no luxury but rather a basic necessity that's within everyone's reach.”