Anu has made supporting fellow humans to cure their chronic pain, resolve their conflicts and maximize their potential his life’s work.
A gifted teacher and healer versed in the arts of mediation, coaching, and postural therapy, Anu has a diverse skill set to draw upon in assisting clients to lead the lives of their dreams, free of pain, worry, doubt and limitation. Teaching self sufficiency in these skills is of paramount importance to Anu, thereby ensuring lasting solutions.
Raised in a multicultural nexus of Eastern and Western spirituality and philosophy, Anu draws on ancient wisdom and intuition while holding a practical focus on effective strategies with real world applications.
Kayla's lifelong practice of dance training and teaching naturally drew her to become certified through the Egoscue Institute as a Postural Alignment Specialist. She believes that movement is medicine, and she enjoys helping people gain body awareness and understanding of effective exercise form. Her joy and motivation lie in seeing people live full and pain-free lives!
Pain is not something to be feared; it is something to be understood. The only product that's worth investing in is a fully functional musculoskeletal system. It's no luxury but rather a basic necessity that's within everyone's reach.”